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Tips to Follow When Running a Sign-Spinning Campaign

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You have likely come across people on the side of the street who hold up large signs and spin them around while trying to get you to visit the business they are advertising. This is actually a great way to get more business for certain types of businesses, from realtors to tax preparation services. If you want to run this type of marketing campaign, follow these important tips.

Look For Energetic Sign Spinners

If you have ever driven past someone that is spinning a sign on a street corner, you know that they often have a lot of energy. You want to find someone who is clearly having a good time and getting people's attention, but without being over the top. If they are going too crazy with the sign, it might get attention, but people probably can't even see what the sign says. If the person spinning your sign is throwing it up in the air or around their back, those are long seconds when drivers go right past them without ever knowing what they are trying to advertise. Train your sign spinners to capture attention but also make sure the sign is visible the majority of the time.

Choose the Right Wording

The wording you choose to have printed on the signs also makes a big difference in how successful your sing spinning campaign is. If it is just the name of your business, people might notice it, but aren't as tempted to stop. You need to make sure the sign doesn't just say who you are, but what you do and how they will benefit from it. This is the same for any type of sign that advertises your business. If you have a good slogan that is eye-catching, go ahead and include it. Otherwise, try to fit at least one line of information that tells drivers and pedestrians exactly why they need to stop by your business. It gives people a reason to pull over and find out what you're all about.

Use a Professional Printing Service

Professional digital printing companies will not only print the sign for you, but they can also help you design it. Look for a printing service that specializes in advertising and marketing, as they often already have the expertise needed to make a great sign for a sign-spinning campaign. You want the sign to convey your message, show the benefit to the audience, and target your market. This includes changing the font, colour, and the wording itself. A good digital printing company like Spot On Signs Qld Pty Ltd will know exactly how to design the sign, then print a quality sign that looks obviously professionally-done. If you try to print it yourself, it will often lack the vibrancy you are going for.
