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How To Choose The Wording For A Retractable Banner For Your Small Business

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A retractable banner can be a really effective, portable promotional tool for your business, whether you're setting it up at trade fairs, recruitment events or craft fairs. This short guide explains how to decide on the wording for your banner, from explaining what you do to choosing fonts.

Explain What Your Business Does

Your banner will be most effective if it manages to convey what services and products your company has to offer in as few words as possible. You should be able to sum your business up into a neat tagline. For example, something as simple as "helping young professionals get their dream job" or "book-inspired jewellery" could be on your banner. The Guardian has some tips on summing up your business, explaining that you should look at your target market, tone of voice and brand personality. If you will be displaying your banner next to a stall of your products, you could have a short list of what you have on offer, as the banner will be more visible than the individual products on your stall. Basically, look at your banner wording and decide whether you could get an idea of what your company has to offer from it.

Add Your Contact Information

Your contact information is one of the most important things you can put on your banner, as it allows people to easily contact you. People can even snap a photo of your banner so they can get in touch later. Think about how you want people to contact you, and make sure that those methods of contact are highlighted. Make sure your phone number is displayed clearly with the area code if applicable, as well as an email address and website. You can also put your social media handles on your banner.

Make Sure It's Readable

As well as deciding exactly what words should go on your banner, it's important to make sure that they will be readable. Firstly, try to figure out if you have too many words. If there is too much information on your banner, people will feel overwhelmed and be less likely to read it. Try to condense it to the essentials. Secondly, think about the choice of colours and whether the contrast is readable. For example, black writing on a white background is readable, but yellow on a green background is not. Finally, choose a font that will be easy to read both up close and from a distance. If in doubt, choose a sans serif font.

If you make sure that your banner has all the information you want to convey, including contact information, and is easy to read from a distance, you can ensure it is a truly effective promotional tool. Contact a company that sells retractable banners to learn more.
